Educational Action Research
Vol.16, No.2, June 2008, 187-208
When students negotiate: an action research case study of a Year 8 English class in a secondary college in Victoria, Australia
Model of Action Research used
a) Planning : Involving gathering information from the literature review to gain an understand of student's perfection
b) Negotiating : Teacher and students negotiated the audience for the task
c) Presenting : Students present their work for the audience
d) Teaching and learning : Teacher respond to students suggestions by providing suitable task to help the students develop the stories.
e )Evaluation : Evaluation was done through reflection of the cycle and discussion with critical friends.
- Data collections
The data was collected through:
- Classroom questionares - gives students opportunity to respond anonymously
- Classroom meeting- Used to negotiation of classroom activities
- Journals - Teacher research journal used to record classroom activities
- Partnership observation - classroom observer
- Interviews - Used to discuss student responses with parents
Data was analyzed using a thematic approach (Knight 2002;Taylor and Bogdan 1998; Van Maren 1990)
- Classroom questionnaires was collected manually and pie chart has been generated using Microsoft Excel
- All guided and conversational interviews were transcribed
- Partnership observation was constructed by categories to summaries the statements.
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