Sunday, May 24, 2009

Journal review

Journal 1

Educational Action Research
Vol.16, No.2, June 2008, 187-208

Journal Tittle

When students negotiate: an action research case study of a Year 8 English class in a secondary college in Victoria, Australia

Author: Carlyn Sproston


This article is the story of what happens when students are given the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process, both in the negotiation of what takes place in the classroom and in the ‘action’ of the action research process itself. An action research approach was used as the most appropriate method by which to analyse the experiences of students and teacher as they negotiated three action research cycles in their Year 8 English classes. Specifically, the research focused on the connection between negotiated learning and motivation. Results suggest that students experience greater commitment and motivation when they are given opportunities to be actively involved in contributing to their own learning, and point to the value of action research as a method for improving teaching practice. This article is of particular interest to educators of middle-years students because it addresses the perceived challenges of educating young adolescents, particularly those at the Year 8 level.


Students of year 8 English Class in Secondary College in Victoria, Australia


English Faculty, Emmanuel College, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.

Model of Action Research used

Boomer's (1992)


Content and the process of the unit in this study were (using Boomer's process) :

Planning : Involving gathering information from the literature review to gain an understand of student's perfection

Negotiating : Teacher and students negotiated the audience for the task

Presenting : Students present their work for the audience

Teaching and learning : Teacher respond to students suggestions by providing suitable task to help the students develop the stories.

e )Evaluation : Evaluation was done through reflection of the cycle and discussion with critical friends.


  1. Data collections

The data was collected through:
  • Classroom questionares - gives students opportunity to respond anonymously
  • Classroom meeting- Used to negotiation of classroom activities
  • Journals - Teacher research journal used to record classroom activities
  • Partnership observation - classroom observer
  • Interviews - Used to discuss student responses with parents
2. Data analysis

Data was analyzed using a thematic approach (Knight 2002;Taylor and Bogdan 1998; Van Maren 1990)
  • Classroom questionnaires was collected manually and pie chart has been generated using Microsoft Excel
  • All guided and conversational interviews were transcribed
  • Partnership observation was constructed by categories to summaries the statements.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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