Educational Action Research
Vol.12, Number 4,2004
outcomes, suggesting that the variables in a school or classroom are connected in some kind of a causal link. However, it is problematic to view variables in a social setting such as a school or a classroom as being in causal relationships because social settings are complex so that it is not possible to control the variables or the outcomes. Hence, one cannot convincingly study the outcomes without also studying the process and its complexity. In this article, I describe an action research study undertaken to study the impact in the classroom, of new teaching strategies introduced as part of an in-service teacher education programme in Karachi, Pakistan. By describing this study I mean to suggest that action research is an appropriate methodology to study the impact of inservice teacher education
In-service teacher in education programmed of advance diploma in education: mathematics, The Aga University for Education Development (AKU-IED), Karachi, Pakistan.
- Settings of this study was in The Aga University for Educational Development (AKU-Ied) Karachi, Pakistan.
- The research was taken over the period of August 2002-July 2003.
This study was designed as ' nested action research' which is multiple action research studies were woven into fabric of advance diploma programmed.
- Planning - identifying the teaching of innovative strategies and classroom implementation and thus designed the study.
- Act - Work involved providing field support, teaching in classroom, test the context appropriateness of the strategies
- Review - review of work done
Data Collection and Analysis
The data was collected from the activities such as:
- Classroom observation- was done over a period of 1 year for every month during the teacher lesson (small tape recorder has been used)
- Pre-Observation conference and post-observation with the teacher - teacher share input and the information about the strategy used in their lesson (Taking note)
- Tutor-researcher meetings- about 20 meeting averaging 90 minutes were done and the discussion was recorded by using tape recorder.
- For the analysis of data, the discussion and the meeting with the members of the research team has been done regularly to discuss their findings.
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